Tag Archives: gift

Gifts for Keeps

It’s Christmas time, a time for giving and receiving. As I thought of gifts to give, I thought of the gifts I received, appreciated and kept to guide me.


I’ve kept all the books that I’ve received. Even if they are books which I don’t usually read, they are sure to offer new insights.

Gifts about faith

Gifts about faith carry with them the sanctity of the faith they represent. I keep these gifts in our altar except religious books which I keep in our mini library .

The image of Jesus Christ above the altar is a cross-stitched piece from my best friend since grade school.

Personalized gifts

Personalized gifts are so heartwarming as they revolve around us.

I’ve kept sketches of me .

This was sketched by a friend while I was seated at my office desk.

My friend who makes bracelets and necklaces gave me a bracelet made of my birthstone. She likes to work with her hands and cross stitched the image of Jesus Christ ( thus this also falls under gift of faith).

Practical gifts

Practical gifts are simply, well, practical. We need them day-to-day , they are useable.

Cash or gift checks should be on top in terms of practicality as we can choose to use it/them in the way most beneficial to us. But cash has no element of surprise and reveals the cost of the gift, I only use it among some of my family members

Apparels are hits and misses. I’ve received blouses, dresses, pants, etc. I’ve given to my nieces some dresses and blouses which are nice but , as they say, they don’t “hang right” on me or in Tagalog, “hindi hiyang”. 

Gifts about hobbies

Gifts related to hobbies resonate with me. Aside from blogging , I also like gardening and flower arrangements. So I keep plants, flower pots and vases.

This vase was given by my former staff .

The plant on the right was given by my brother. It was small, planted in the pot on the left which I now use for another plant.

In the end, all gifts are personal. Our choice of gift depends on the recipient and ourselves.